Eating Disorder Therapy
It can be frustrating, difficult, and often isolating, when you know your relationship with food needs to change, but you don't know how to or where to begin. It's understandable that you feel stuck.
I am very familiar with these challenges, and I fully appreciate the courage it takes to speak to someone about this. I have many years of experience of helping people to address these issues and I have my own lived experience from which I am now fully recovered.
It is very possible to form a healthy relationship with your body, exercise and food regardless of how difficult that might seem now.
I have been working in this specialised area for over 10 years. I have gained many specific qualifications and attended many training days. However, it is my experience with clients that has confirmed to me that everyone's relationship with food or their body is unique to them. Therefore I support you with your particular challenges and how we do that will be completely unique to you.
If you would like o speak to me about individual eating disorder therapy for yourself of a loved one then ​ please contact me to arrange a 30 minute phone or zoom call. ​​​​

I have a specific expertise in supporting people whose relationship with food and / or exercise is impacting the quality of their life.
Disordered eating, eating disorders and exercise compulsion appear in many shapes and forms.
This might include:
Negative feelings about how you look or what you eat
Thoughts dominated by food, weight or body shape
Restricting amounts of food, certain foods or food groups
Eating in secret
Fluctuating between eating lots and eating little
Having rules about food and / or exercise
Exercising more than you mean to and feeling unable to take rest time
Exercising to justify what you eat or have eaten
Vomitting or using laxatives to try to get rid of calories
Worrying that you have lost control, or will do, over how much you eat​
I work both in-person in Gorebridge, Midlothian (EH23 4LD) or online via Zoom.
My usual working hours are:
Monday: 1pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday: 9am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 4pm - 6:30pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm